Mr. Macy's first grader intently listening to a read-aloud!

Mrs. Reit's students engaged in their morning math!

Congratulations to ASB for their parade-winning float at the 2023 Tulelake Butte Valley Fair

We are very proud of all of our Fall 2023 Athletes. We want to take a moment to recognize some of these student-athletes who were recognized by their league. We would also like to recognize our coaches, players, administrators, and fans who were recognized by the Klamath County Volleyball Officials Association with the 2023 Sportsmanship Award. Great Job Honkers!

On Monday, November 27, 2023, you were notified of the need to boil/disinfect all tap water used for drinking and cooking purposes.
The City of Tulelake Water System in conjunction with the State Water Resources
Control Board Division of Drinking Water has determined that, through abatement of the
health hazard and comprehensive testing of the water, your water is safe to drink. It is
no longer necessary to boil your tap water or for you to consume bottled water.
For more information call:
Water Utility contact: (541) 281-9150
SWRCB, Division of Drinking Water Klamath District: (530) 224-4800
Siskiyou Environmental Health: (530) 841-2100

Please be advised that Tulelake City Water must be boiled before consumption until further notice. Water bottles will be provided at Tulelake Basin Joint Unified Schools beginning Tuesday, November 28th for students during the school day. All drinking fountains and refill stations will be shut off.

Renew your Medi-Cal Coverage! If you need information on how to do this, please see the attached images with details on renewing your Medi-Cal coverage.

A quick reminder to show Honker Pride with Integrity! #benchbadbehavior

A reminder that Wednesday (11/15) and Friday (11/17) this week are minimum days! Students will be released at 11:45. TASSEL times remain the same as usual.

Notice of Public Hearing on November 15, 2023

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Wednesday, November 15, 2023, from 1:00-7:00 p.m. in the Tulelake Basin Elementary Cafeteria. In order to reduce wait time please arrive based on the schedule below.
1:00-2:00: Last Names beginning with letters A-G
2:00-3:00:Last Names beginning with letters H-N
3:00-4:00:Last Names beginning with letters O-Z
4:00-5:00:Last Names beginning with letters A-I
5:00-6:00:Last Names beginning with letters J-U
6:00-7:00:Last Names beginning with letters V-Z

Tulelake Basin Elementary is having a Book Fair! Open November 13-17, and open the evening of Parent-Teacher Conferences! Want to order online? https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/tulelakebasinelemschool

There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, November 10th in observance of Veteran's Day, a legal holiday.
NO HABRÁ CLASES el viernes 10 de noviembre en conmemoración del Día de los Veteranos, un feriado legal.

Tulelake FFA Fall Apparel is now available! Contact an FFA Member or download an order form from the FFA tab on our Menu.

Good luck to both our Soccer and Volleyball teams as they head into their first playoff games! Let's Go Honkers!

FFA Pumpkin Painting and Throwing! On Monday, October 30 the Tulelake FFA will be hosting a pumpkin painting and throwing event at 3:20 at THS. Students may purchase a pumpkin for $1 by contacting Tulelake FFA or they may bring their own. Throwing your pumpkin using a sling shot is optional.

Picture retakes have been rescheduled for Thursday, October 26. Order at mylifetouch.com using Picture Day ID: V6KZDBTVE

Our Tulelake Honkers will host the Butte Valley Bulldogs in the NSCIF Fall Soccer Playoffs on Tuesday 10/24/23 at Honker Field. Game starts at 3:00. This is a CASHLESS game! ASB Cards and Booster's Passes are not accepted. Tickets must be purchased online at https://gofan.co/app/school/CIFNS?activity=Soccer Go Honkers!!

Red Ribbon Week is October 23-27. There will be spirit days to show your support for remaining drug-free! These dress-up days are for both Tulelake Basin Elementary and Tulelake High School.

Congratulations to our Rotary Student of the Month for September, Xander Garcia.